Dr. Kate Davis to Speak at PENN-CEST 2015

Dr. Kate Davis, co-Director of the CNT, will be speaking on “Utilizing GluCEST to Localize Epileptic Networks” at the Symposium on Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (PENN-CEST 2015).

“The aim of this symposium is to bring together researchers from varying backgrounds including physicists, biophysicists, bioengineers, chemists, imaging experts, materials scientists, radiologists, and clinicians from related disciplines and provide a forum for communication among these diverse groups. Further, the symposium will provide the opportunity to update participants on recent advances and current status of CEST MRI and its role in early diagnosis, drug discovery and management of a broad spectrum of diseases.”

To find out more and register for PENN-CEST 2015, please visit:  http://www.med.upenn.edu/cmroi/PennCEST/index.html

The conference will take place October 25 – 28, 2015 in the Smilow Center.